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Victoria announced the invitation time and requirements for the first round of Victoria State guarantee in the new financial year

1. Victoria This morning Victoria State Guarantee first invitation date for this financial year

This morning received information from the Victorian government that Victoria will open the first round of State Government guarantee invitations on the 7th of this month (July 7, 2021). In the 2021-22 financial year, Victoria has a total quota of 3,500 guaranteed by 190 states and 500 guaranteed by 491 remote states.


This financial year Victoria will invite applicants who are already living and working in Victoria and whose occupation requires them to be in the Victorian target sector:

• Health

Jobs that provide services to the health care system, including related education, research and development careers, such as software engineers working in hospitals.

• Medical research. Medical research

In addition to medical research conducted at universities and research institutes, medical research in Victoria includes activities such as drug development, clinical trials, health product manufacturing, medical devices and digital health. If your STEMM skills support medical research in Victoria, you will also be considered to be working in the medical research field.

• Life sciences • Life Sciences

Victoria's life sciences sector is made up of many industries, such as the medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Companies involved in food processing, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals may also be considered part of the life sciences sector. If your STEMM skills support the Life sciences sector in Victoria, you will be considered to work in the life sciences sector. For example, a biotechnology lecturer working in a university is considered to be working in the life sciences.

• Digital Digital technology

The digital technology industry leverages technology and innovation to drive Victoria's economic growth, productivity and competitiveness. Currently Victoria only selects applicants with cyber security skills to apply for the 190 visa nomination. Applicants who do not have cybersecurity skills but are preparing to submit a State 190 Sponsor nomination may still be invited if they work in another target sector and that job is in the digital sector. For example, software engineers working in medical research. Applicants working in any area of the digital industry can apply for the Victoria 491 nomination.

• Agri-food

Victoria's agri-food sector includes highly skilled people who are committed to developing food growth and production and modernising Victoria's agri-food sector. The applicant's occupation must be one of innovation within the industry, which may include research and development or advanced manufacturing.

• Advanced manufacturing. • Advanced manufacturing

Advanced manufacturing in Victoria includes industries such as defence and aerospace. To be considered to work in advanced manufacturing, the applicant's occupation must bring enhanced innovation to the manufacturing industry. These include research and development, design, supply chain management and other activities to enhance global competitiveness through the use of technology.

• New energy, emissions reduction and circular economy. • New energy, emissions reduction and circular economy

The sector includes industries such as clean energy, renewable energy, bioenergy, carbon capture and energy storage. The applicant's occupation enables Victoria to reduce waste, reduce pollution and protect the environment.


2. The biggest change in state guarantee in Victoria this financial year

When referring to the applicant requirements for this invitation, Victoria repeatedly mentions that the applicant's occupation must belong to STEMM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or Medicine. And can bring substantial benefits to Victoria.

In this financial year (2021-22), the main changes in state guarantees are:

• The requirement for minimum work experience and hours worked has been removed;

• Increased number of occupations in the target sector;

• Applicants must have STEMM skills and a Skill level 1 or 2 job, 491 applicants can have a Skill level 3 job.

3. Invitation for IT and nurses

IT invitation


This financial year, Victoria particularly stressed that the digital technology industry, only invited applicants in the field of cyber security law, the rest of the IT industry applicants can apply for 491, but must also work in the above target sector. For example, software engineers working in medical research. Applicants working in any area of the digital industry can apply for the Victoria 491 nomination.


Nurse invitation


This financial year, Victoria will only invite nurses in the following directions:

• Midwife  – 254111

• Registered Nurse (Aged Care)  – 254412

• Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) – 254415

• Registered Nurse (Mental Health) –  254422

• Registered Nurse (Perioperative) – 254423

• Registered Nurse (Paediatrics)  – 254425

Also, Nursing home or hospital will be given priority.

1. PhD graduate channel


For PhD graduates from Australian universities

If you are a PhD graduate in Australia, you can apply for a Victoria sponsorship invitation, but you must also meet the work and residence requirements of Victoria. Scholarships and coursework required internships are not recognized by the state as fulfilling work conditions. </p>

1. Update of ROI review standards


For this financial year's ROI invitation in Victoria, EOI scores will be considered:


• The state will first remove all unqualified ROIs;

• Read all eligible applications. Select the most qualified applicants;

• Rank all remaining eligible ROI within each target secotrs based on EOI scores and select accordingly.


However, applicants with a high EOI score may not be selected under the following circumstances:


• Applicants with lower scores have made an outstanding contribution to the sector, or

• Applicants with higher scores have been identified as not working in that target sector.

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