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For new Australian international students: A list of Pre-enrolment taboos and emergency strategies for CoE cancellation

For students applying to study in Australia, getting an Offer is only the first step on the journey, however, there are many potential risks and challenges before officially enrolling. One of these is the importance of Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and an urgent strategy to deal with its cancellation.

What is CoE?

The CoE is the Confirmation of Enrolment, and legal international students in Australia must hold at least one valid CoE. This document is closely related to the student visa and is the official document for international students to prove to the Australian Immigration Department that they are legally studying in Australia. Once an overseas student has been accepted and paid the first instalment of tuition fees, an official CoE will be issued.



The importance of CoE

Each CoE has a unique number and is linked to the internal USCIS system. The Immigration Department will be notified immediately of any changes to the CoE. For international students applying for a student visa, having a valid CoE is a necessary document in the application process. Without a CoE, you will not be able to successfully apply for a student visa.

However, even if a student visa is granted, the CoE is still vital. International students must ensure they have a valid CoE at all times to secure their visa. In order to ensure that the true purpose of the student's visit to Australia is to study, the student must meet the relevant requirements of the school, including attendance, course pass rate, etc. If students fail to meet the requirements, they risk CoE cancellation, and after CoE cancellation, the student visa will be cancelled and the student will be ordered to leave the country.

Cause of CoE cancellation

The only reason for CoE cancellation is that the school deems a student "unable" to continue with their studies. Common reasons for cancellation include:

• Lower attendance than required by the school

• Failed the required course twice or more

• Failed more than 50% of the courses for two consecutive semesters

• Two consecutive semesters with an average score below the pass line

• Failure to complete the course within the required extension time

• Not paying tuition on time

• Failure to attend classes as required by the school


Key phase of CoE cancellation

Schools do not cancel a student's CoE directly, and typically go through the following stages:

• Warning stage: The school will issue a warning letter to the student, alerting the student to their academic performance and warning of possible consequences.

• In-school explanation phase: If the student's performance has not improved, the school will ask the student to conduct an in-school explanation to explain their learning status and provide relevant evidence.

• In-school hearing: The school may hold a hearing to hear the student's explanation and make a decision accordingly.

•CoE Cancellation: If the school decides to cancel a student's CoE, the student has the right to appeal.

• Internal/External appeals: Students have the option to appeal to the school or an external body for the opportunity to remain in school.



Tips for applying to new schools and programs

• Maintain the level of the course: the new course cannot be lower than the level of the previous course, otherwise it may result in the cancellation of the student visa.

• Choose your major carefully: Choose carefully when changing your major to avoid "high to low".

Pay attention to visa validity: Ensure that the new student visa covers the length of the new course to avoid visa expiration.

• Compliance with school regulations: At the new school, be careful to comply with the school's learning requirements, including attendance and grades, to ensure the renewal of the student visa.

To sum up, understanding the importance of a CoE and the emergency handling strategy to deal with its cancellation is crucial for students applying to study in Australia. Only ensure



I always meet the requirements of the school and the immigration bureau to successfully complete my study abroad career.







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