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Mr. Tan
Domestic travel transfer school
Silk slide down the TAB

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Case situation

No language scores, with language classes, 81 Mr. Tan domestic travel transfer geriatric care silk slip sign!

When Mr. Tan visited Australia at the end of June, 23, he was impressed by the multicultural environment in Australia and decided to study and live here. Since the tourist visa does not require the applicant to provide a medical report and language scores, Mr. Tan was not prepared accordingly.

On July 7, the Rongshang team received Mr. Tan's commission and began to plan for him to study in Australia and emigrate. We tailor-made a set of courses for geriatric care, a popular immigrant major, which has certain requirements for language scores. However, after the communication between Rongshang team and the school, Mr. Tan can exempt from IELTS scores through the school language class scores, and arrange a 20-week language class for him, so that the student visa duration will be longer.

Application timeline:

Signed on July 7, 2023, and started to prepare visa application materials;

Received the offer from the school on July 10, 2023;

Submit 500 visa applications on August 8, 2023;

Visa was issued on September 28, 2023.

Overall it took more than 2 months!!


After getting the letter, you should also pay attention to the terms on the letter. Take Mr. Tan's visa as an example:

8105: Working hours limit

8202: Course requirements need to be met

8208: No changes to research related to critical technologies without approval

8501: Health insurance is required

8516: Eligibility must be maintained

8517: Maintain family education

8532: Under 18 years of age approved benefits

8533: Notify address change

Visa signing is a happy thing, after happy, you need to carefully look at the terms on the visa, and when the validity period is, and comply with the relevant provisions of the visa.


The following is Mr. Tan's signing letter, just for your enjoyment!



255 Bourke Street VIC 3000

Pho Num: 04 9814 5678


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