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Hksar passport holders
Australia Permanent Residence Express

On 28 October 2021, the Australian Government issued legislation (amendment) to the Australian Permanent Residence Fast Track for holders of passports in Australia, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and British overseas passports.

The bill is another special policy after the Australian Government extended the Australian work visa to five years for all holders of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passports in Australia in July 2020.

This article will take you through the following:

What conditions must be met to apply for special access to permanent residence;

Application fee

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What conditions must be met to apply for the special Passage for Permanent residence in Hong Kong

189 Application requirements for special Channel for Skilled migrants to Hong Kong

Holders of Hong Kong SAR Passport or British overseas passport;

Currently hold the following visas:

457 employer-sponsored visa; ​

482 employer-sponsored visas;

485 Graduate work visa.

You can apply for the 189 Permanent residence visa if you have lived in the above visa for at least 4 years before applying (no occupational assessment, no points, no age limit).

There is no age limit of 23 years for accompanying children. ​

191 Application requirements for Special Channel for Skilled migrants for Hong Kong

Holders of Hong Kong SAR Passport or British overseas passport;

Currently hold the following visas:

457 employer-sponsored visa; ​

482 employer-sponsored visas;

485 Graduate work visa.

You can apply for the 189 Permanent residence visa if you have lived in the above visa for at least 4 years before applying (no occupational assessment, no points, no age limit).

There is no age limit of 23 years for accompanying children. ​

Delivery date

The above 2 types of visas must be submitted after March 5, 2022

Application Fee

The first application fee

Principal Applicant: AU 4115.00

Applicants aged 18 and above: AU 2055

Applicants under 18: AU 1030

Second phase application fee (paid by the Immigration Bureau prior to approval)

Principal Applicant: AU 4115

The applicant is over 18 years of age at the time of submission of the application

Applicants cannot meet the basic English requirement (IELTS 4.5)

Deputy applicant over 18 years old: None

Sub-applicants under 18: None

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